-Separated integral from AE completely, making it a different truck alltogether with the internal name "Renault.integral". This may or may not cause conflicts with other integral mods such as nikolas, but I do not intend the user to use both mods at the same time. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
-Added Lowdeck
-Added full kriechbaum sounds
-I fixed a buncha random stuff
-Added roof spoiler
-Added integral fenders
-Added integral engine cover
-Fixed most of integral interior, interior nodes, materials, etc
-Tweaked many models in the integral interior
-Added wood dashboard (I think I didn't include this in the first release but correct me if I'm wrong)
-Added side mirror on both AE and integral, in plastic and paint configuration
-Added interior accessories for integral
-Deffed the truck (thanks to <@295494201359990804> )
-Tweaked the integral front bumper material, I may or may not tweak the rest, as I think it fits well enough.
mod作者:Krille, Pettel, Stabbs, Sebastiank, Monday Man
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坏蛋超人发表于:2024-09-01 14:05谢谢
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渡劫发表于:2024-08-30 16:5966
嗡嗡嗡发表于:2024-08-29 11:25饿啊哇哇哇哇哇
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123发表于:2024-08-28 10:15xxx谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢
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ryan发表于:2024-08-27 13:18哈哈哈哈
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