The big day has arrived! The new version 1.15 of Grand Utopia, entirely public and free, is now available. As usual, the official download link is on TruckyMods.io
This new version includes several new villages (Arlandis, Maringues, Nouillorc, Denver, Sulikôw and Courpière) and a new city (Saint-Sylvestre-Cappel).
A new feature is the appearance of a small British island where you can find the village of Denver. This part of the map is a foretaste of the future Elizabeth Island addon that will be created once SCS Software has reworked the United Kingdom (in order to have recent, good quality and more varied items than those present to date).
Finally, several existing areas have been reworked to give you a better quality in-game. I will continue to work on these aging areas in future updates.
I won't tell you more and I let you discover this new version in game. Good road to all my dear utopians!
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