Converted and rewritten the entire model. (SCS Blender Tools)
Full multiplayer support included.
Updated GPS navigation and on-board computer.
Fixed outdoor lighting.
Engines reworked.
Added new types of transmissions.
Outside, the dirt was removed from the glass.
The mod has been optimized, unnecessary garbage has been removed!
Fixed in-game log to be 100% clean.
mod作者:Nikola_Donbass. Stas556, Vita1980.
取消回复 评论守则安徽省滁州市 联通
哔哩哔哩发表于:2024-03-27 20:34厉害
福建省福州市 移动
好发表于:2024-03-07 13:37好
中国 移动
大牛逼发表于:2024-03-03 21:22谢谢
河北省廊坊市 电信
无发表于:2024-02-20 18:45十分感谢
北京市 移动
123发表于:2024-02-19 11:42谢谢你
北京市 移动
123发表于:2024-02-19 11:42谢谢你
江苏省苏州市常熟市 电信
江苏省苏州市 电信发表于:2024-02-05 13:50好好好
江苏省苏州市常熟市 电信
江苏省苏州市 电信发表于:2024-02-05 13:49好好好
山东省淄博市 联通
123发表于:2024-01-31 16:15HAO 好
山西省 移动
嘿嘿发表于:2024-01-29 19:05谢谢
山西省 移动
嘿嘿发表于:2024-01-29 19:05感谢
山西省 移动
嘿嘿发表于:2024-01-29 19:04感谢
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