[+] Addition of the city of Créteil, specifically the Échat district.
[+] Addition of Villemomble city center.
[+] Extension of the A4 to the town of Collégien.
[+] Addition of country roads.
[+] Added custom AI vehicles and decoration.
[+] Custom Parisian traffic lights.
[+] Added details in Paris.
[+] Addition of the English translation of certain GPS messages for other languages (department change message…).
[+] Fixed some bugs.
[+] More than 22 km of roads added.
[+] And much more !
-> Somes errors can be found in the console. (due to some imperfections in mapping and custom objects)
-> Some areas cannot be discovered. (which leads to the impossibility of having 100% of the map discovered)
-> highway signs may be unreadable at night in some areas.
-> Some speeds limits doesn’t work.
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