Attention: Errors are excluded, since the mod was tested on a test profile!
Adaptation for ETS2 version: v1.44.x - v1.45.x and up.
Converting the main 3D model "PMG" under ETS2 1.44 and 1.45 (SCS Blender Tools).
"PMA" animation conversion for ETS2 1.44 and 1.45 (SCS Blender Tools).
In the interior, the highlights around the windshields were removed to a minimum, I could not fix it further,
because these are the faults of the mod itself and it is not my fault.
After converting the main 3D model, all "MAT" files are automatically added to the "automat" folder.
Found and fixed errors in the "TOBJ" files themselves, when converting the main 3D model.
Changed the position of the steering wheel to standard + pack steering wheels.
Added historical glossy paints - 42 options.
Fixed bugs in other previous versions :)
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workbook0290发表于:2022-08-02 22:04感谢
浙江省台州市 博世通网络有限公司
666发表于:2022-07-23 18:52谢谢
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老涡河发表于:2022-07-22 08:56谢谢
广东省江门市 移动
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鱼发表于:2022-07-21 16:07谢谢分享
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老涡河发表于:2022-07-20 10:38谢
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