Converted all 3D models "PMG" and all animations "PMA". (SCS Blender Tools).
Supports multiplayer with Convoy mode.
Added a personal, calibrated camera to the interior.
Fixed the position of all packs of rudders to the standard position
Improved truck lighting at near and far distances.
Dashboard has been fixed.
Fixed display of side mirrors.
Fixed work of on-board computer and GPS navigation.
Aesthetically improved appearance.
Aesthetically improved interior appearance.
From the outside, the windshields and side windows are slightly darkened.
From the interior, the windshields are slightly darkened from the excessive brightness of the sun's rays.
Fixed and improved truck physics.
The truck is completely updated in the dealer, company and truck gallery.
Found and fixed numerous errors in the game log.
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dhasd发表于:2022-09-17 01:04谢谢分享
青海省西宁市 移动
我xx发表于:2022-09-15 13:24谢谢
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哦基本发表于:2022-09-10 19:36分享谢谢
四川省宜宾市 移动
哦基本发表于:2022-09-10 19:36中心小学
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恋发表于:2022-09-10 08:08谢谢
内蒙古乌兰察布市 移动
1发表于:2022-09-09 09:16谢谢想
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275179122@qq.co发表于:2022-09-02 15:16谢谢
北京市 联通
11123123123发表于:2022-08-29 21:28太好了
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天道酬勤发表于:2022-08-25 20:27感谢分享
上海市 移动
sekoio发表于:2022-08-22 12:11謝謝
广东省佛山市 移动
花花发表于:2022-08-18 19:09谢谢谢谢想
浙江省台州市 博世通网络有限公司
一个卡车米发表于:2022-08-10 18:57谢谢
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