Fixed windshield wipers animation and their work with water removal.
Improved truck braking system (no stiffness)
Improved handling – it’s power steering and suspension.
Improved truck lighting at near and far distances.
Removed steering wheel conflict with another truck MAZ 6422_(1981).
In EXTERIOR, the display of the windshield and side windows, which were not visible, has been improved.
Improved display of the dashboard in the interior + added clarity of dashboard details.
Fixed work of GPS navigation and on-board computer + glare defect removed.
Added 5 types (FMOD) sounds and 5 types of engines.
From now on, MAZ sounds are now divided into 2 categories: V6 and V8
The characteristics of the gearboxes of 650HP and 710HP engines have been changed to REAL data.
Gearshift sounds present.
Fixed in dealer, company and truck gallery.
Supports multiplayer with Convoy mode.
Fixed error and warning log to be 100% clean.
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666发表于:2022-07-23 19:12谢谢
浙江省台州市 博世通网络有限公司
666发表于:2022-07-23 19:12感谢
浙江省台州市 博世通网络有限公司
asdasd发表于:2022-07-21 10:22感谢
四川省凉山州 移动
火鸟发表于:2022-07-18 18:57感谢楼主分享
四川省凉山州 移动
.21发表于:2022-07-03 17:52谢谢谢谢谢寻寻寻
青海省西宁市 联通
辽克星敦发表于:2022-06-30 21:14感谢楼主分享
河南省南阳市新野县 联通
cdc发表于:2022-06-28 18:38谢谢
内蒙古呼和浩特市 电信
藤工发表于:2022-06-27 17:26谢谢
广东省江门市 移动
老涡河发表于:2022-06-25 23:39谢
浙江省台州市 博世通网络有限公司
游湖发表于:2022-06-18 19:14谢谢
山东省济南市 移动
dfdssd发表于:2022-06-16 18:44谢谢
山东省济南市 移动
啊这就挺噶发表于:2022-06-15 20:21谢谢分享
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