Adaptation for ETS2 version: v1.44.x.
Attention: Errors are excluded, since the mod was tested on a test profile!
Converting the main 3D model "PMG" to a new format (SCS Blender Tools).
Convert "PMA" animations to new format (SCS Blender Tools).
Fixed the viewing angle of the side mirrors outside and in the interior.
Changed and optimized the physics of the truck on the road.
Fixed in-game log to be 100% clean.
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胡逍遥9发表于:2023-11-21 17:43父
山东省烟台市莱州市 联通
hdd发表于:2023-07-18 11:34谢谢
山东省烟台市莱州市 联通
hdd发表于:2023-07-18 11:34谢谢
山东省威海市 联通
精神病患者发表于:2023-07-13 03:43谢谢
山东省济南市 联通
15641650发表于:2023-01-03 02:16做个有素质的灌军
山东省济南市 联通
亦二似二发表于:2022-12-03 21:09d花粉管花粉管
浙江省 移动
4519665651发表于:2022-10-26 08:06做个有素质的灌军~
浙江省嘉兴市 联通
曾小贤发表于:2022-09-24 11:17感谢
浙江省嘉兴市 联通
曾小贤发表于:2022-09-24 11:16谢谢
福建省泉州市 移动CDN/IDC业务段
666发表于:2022-09-04 13:24谢谢
辽宁省大连市 移动
275179122@qq.co发表于:2022-09-01 16:34谢谢
内蒙古 联通
workbook0290发表于:2022-08-27 16:21感谢谢
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