Update for version 1.43,
Removed the defect when you lower the glass, the rain drops will now be stacked,
Changed the muffler on the chassis 6x4 and 6x6,
Removed the defect when you put a lot of fog and light bulbs promising FPS now there will be no more,
I added another engine sound now two sound sounds with blue icons one sound and with green other,
Registered in your car dealership,
mod作者:Koral, Lexan, funyash.
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qq284606049发表于:2022-10-02 10:06谢谢
浙江省温州市 移动
jjx发表于:2022-09-30 03:08终于找到家了,这边的mod都很好
四川省 移动
kaker发表于:2022-09-07 14:49好
山东省济宁市 联通
he发表于:2022-08-27 13:17感谢楼主分享感谢楼主分享
青海省西宁市 联通
赫曦夽鵬发表于:2022-08-01 22:40谢谢
贵州省贵阳市 贵安新区电信天翼云计算数据中心(沃通网络)
daojiale.com张成发表于:2022-07-30 11:50谢谢
河南省南阳市新野县 联通
dddd发表于:2022-07-27 18:34感谢
河南省南阳市新野县 联通
dddd发表于:2022-07-27 18:33谢谢
河南省南阳市新野县 联通
熊发表于:2022-07-25 20:02感谢
浙江省嘉兴市 电信
yang发表于:2022-06-11 02:14谢谢
浙江省嘉兴市 电信
ii发表于:2022-06-09 20:49谢谢
上海市 联通
A。写小说发表于:2022-06-05 18:18谢谢
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