this is the official webpage of the New Summer Graphics/Weather Mod for ETS2.
This mod improves the default summer environment & weather and transforms older parts of the map with newer high resolution graphics.
Key Features
Old roads, fields, grass, terrain, sidewalks, kerbs, hedges, railings, treewalls and other textures replaced with higher resolution versions
Low resolution tree models replaced by new ones across maps
Improved vegetation variation
More flowery vegetation added
Weather improvements
Improved windscreen raindrops
Works with Promods, TSM, Rus Map, MHA, and others.
Works with all map DLC’s
Compatibility latest version: 1.43
Changes in v4.6
Updated for 1.43
Recommended settings
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High
Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
If you are using Next-Gen only use the base part of that mod.
New Summer should be given a high priority in Mod Manager.
取消回复 评论守则江苏省 联通
1919734618@qq.c发表于:2022-03-19 17:29感谢分
江苏省 联通
32发表于:2022-03-17 11:57谢谢分享
江苏省宿迁市 蒲公英网络BGP数据中心
1919734618@qq.c发表于:2022-03-12 15:54谢谢分享
江苏省宿迁市 蒲公英网络BGP数据中心
1919734618@qq.c发表于:2022-03-12 15:53谢谢
江苏省宿迁市 蒲公英网络BGP数据中心
憨憨的麦程发表于:2022-03-09 13:49谢谢
江苏省宿迁市 蒲公英网络BGP数据中心
憨憨的麦程发表于:2022-03-09 13:49感谢
江苏省宿迁市 蒲公英网络BGP数据中心
欧卡yyds发表于:2022-03-08 12:10嘻嘻嘻
江苏省宿迁市 蒲公英网络BGP数据中心
hhh发表于:2022-03-03 16:46感谢
江苏省宿迁市 蒲公英网络BGP数据中心
gjjjhgg666688发表于:2022-03-03 09:33感谢
上海市 联通
白小飞发表于:2022-03-01 23:06谢谢
上海市 联通
相伴一生发表于:2022-02-24 15:19加油33333
浙江省金华市 贵州白山云科技股份有限公司电信节点
魔法水果刀发表于:2022-02-24 10:12感谢分享
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