✅ Compatible with Euro Truck Simulator 2 (1.40 – 1.41 – 1.42) version.
✅ High Model Quality
✅ Real Interior Available.
✅ Realistic Engine and Transmission Values.
✅ Real Engine Sound Available.
✅ Real 3 Retarder Sounds Are Available.
✅ Animated Mat is Available.
✅ 6 Cabin Lights Are Available.
✅ There are 4 mirrors available.
✅ There are 2 Steering Wheels.
✅ 3 Pieces of Blinds Are Available.
✅ 3 Seats Available.
✅ Unit Console Available.
✅ Piece Ceiling Available.
✅ Pieces of Curtains are Available.
✅ Pieces of Parquet Available.
✅ Pieces Front Logo Available.
✅ Pieces Side Logo Available.
✅ Pieces of Side Paint are Available.
✅ 3 Ceiling Paints Are Available.
✅ Slotted Drawbar Available.
✅ Slot step light is available.
✅ Slotted Rear Chrome Lath is Available.
✅ Slotted Side Chrome Lath is Available.
✅ Slot Passenger Available.
✅ Slotted Front Sunshade is Available.
✅ Slotted Side Sunshade Available.
✅ Skin Support is Available.
✅ Template Available.
✅ Customizable Plate Available.
✅ Animated Air Conditioning is available.
✅ Own Alcoa Wheel and Tire Available.
EC ModsTR, İsmail Arslan, Emin Doğuş Güraksın, Kskli1453, Yağız Bakırcı, Trzpro, Yusuf Ziya Kencebay – Furkan Kısacık – Ömer Şakır
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远方发表于:2021-11-20 00:55谢谢
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那小子真帅发表于:2021-11-19 02:30谢谢分享
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德龙发表于:2021-11-17 04:33阿萨斯多
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MT发表于:2021-11-15 21:01谢谢
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缘份发表于:2021-11-15 19:17谢谢分享
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回议的天空发表于:2021-11-15 19:03谢谢
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1448002278发表于:2021-11-14 16:22感谢分享
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额威威发表于:2021-11-13 20:12嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻
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小宇发表于:2021-11-13 14:44谢谢分享
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华运疯子发表于:2021-11-13 13:18谢谢
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yu发表于:2021-11-08 20:52谢谢
浙江省金华市 奇虎360电信节点
小宇发表于:2021-11-08 17:57谢谢
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